Need a Job?
At any given time, there are many people out of work and many people looking to change jobs. Our bankruptcy practice sees many clients whose job losses contributed to their overwhelming debt.
Check out these tips to help you get that new job faster.
It’s important that you stand above the crowd. Show your prospective employer that you are the best option among their many applicants.
Try these tips to make your job search easier:
1. Social Networking. Many people use sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to keep up with friends and family, but they’re also great networking places to find employment. These sites have incredible word of mouth possibilities. Let people know that you’re available for work, and see what happens!
2. Offer services for free. It can seem crazy to work for free when you don’t have a job. Think of your free service like a sample in the grocery store. It’s easier to get people to buy something they know they already like.
3. Do it the old fashioned way. Instead of restricting yourself to online applications, dress professionally and go meet prospective employers in person. This will put a face with your resume and job application and may make it easier for you to get hired.
4. Follow up. After submitting an application, follow up. You can call, send an email, or visit in person. Check and make sure your application was received, and ask if the potential employer needs anything else from you. Following up shows that you care about the job.
5. Say thank you. Take time to write thank-you notes after an interview; either email or paper will work. Many people neglect to do this, and it can set you apart. Be the person who is conscientious and considerate, and you may just land that job.
Finding a new job can be challenging. but thinking a bit differently than other job applicants may be all you need to get that position you’ve been hoping for. Stand out from your competition with these tips, and be the one who gets the job!